Thursday, February 13, 2014

Georgia Tech Student AIAA Meeting Talk

Went down to Georgia Tech to talk with the AIAA student chapter today. Good turnout, looked like 40 students or so attended. The original talk was scheduled for last week, but had to be delayed because of the Snow-mageddon that shut down all of Atlanta for the week.

Gave a short overview of SpaceWorks and then talked about NIAC project and status. Ended up with only a few minutes for one-on-one questions at the end as another class was starting up in the auditorium we were in.

Friday, February 7, 2014

NIAC 2014 Symposium Briefing!

Just wrapped up the NIAC 2014 Symposium at Stanford. Both Doug Talk, project medical consultant, and Mark Schaffer, project engineer at SpaceWorks, attended with me.

It was great opportunity to see all the Phase I and Phase IIs projects underway. All the presentations were broadcast live, and are now archived. At one point, they had over 5,000 viewers online.

Guest speakers included Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters and Peter Norvig from Google (see pictures below).

Here's my team working away on our presentation the night before. We kept having to trim it back due to 20-minute time limit. 

We are putting some content back in the briefing that we did not get to cover previously. Will get the full presentation posted here shortly.

We received a lot of questions and eventually had to stop taking them so could keep to the schedule. Given this, I have been compiling questions we have received throughout the project and am currently putting together a project FAQ document. I hope to get that posted shortly and regularly update it. Please send me any questions in the meantime to incorporate!